Howdy, I’m Chris. I grew up in the South Bay Area in the 80s and currently reside in the Santa Cruz Mountains. In the last 33 years I’ve traversed three careers and truly enjoy every day of my life because I get to do things I love. It was a rough road and I did it my way. Fortunately I’ve learned to do things smarter not harder and I continue to improve as time go on, because let’s face it – there is always room for improvement.
You probably want to know more about me so here are some tidbits:
High School sucked and I couldn’t get out fast enough, fortunately I found a path through vocational training and became an automotive technician for a decade.
The Dot Com allowed me to transition to tech where my ADHD was fully engaged in learning new things, something I continue to do daily.
In 2005 I became an entrepreneur and started a company which I still run today. We solve problems, often with technology. Our brands are :
I have served just about every possible position in business as I grew from a solo act to a team. My most routinely used skill is conflict resolution, something I had to learn along the way.
Things I enjoy(ed) include:
Stand Up Paddling, Homebrewing, Skiing, Bicycles (who doesn’t?), Boating, Fishing, Running, Electronics, Programming, Heavy Metal \m/, Mischief, Hackathons, Making People Happy, Driving Fast.
Things I’m passionate about include:
Community, Mentoring, Technology, Self Improvement, Santa Cruz, Losing 50 lbs.
That’s a brief overview, if you want to know more specifics, read my blog, check out my links, and consider signing up for my newsletter.